Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Top Ten Tuesdays

Top Ten Tuesdays have once again sneaked up on me. UGH!! Will I ever catch up?? That is the question. I can only do what I can when I can.

Last week I wrote a letter to POTS telling it exactly how I felt. Much of it was negative as that has been most of my experiences living with this dreaded disorder. There have been, however some positive aspects to having/dealing with chronic illness. Thus, my Top Ten Tuesday list will be about things I have gained and learned along this tumultuous journey of living with POTS. Here they are in no particular order:

Top Ten Things I’ve Learned through This Illness

1. I have learned that not all doctors are idiots. Yes, you heard/read correctly. Even though there are many out there that I have had negative experiences with, there are those that attempt to listen and help.

2. I have had to learn patience. Patience is a virtue I have never really possessed, however in these last few years I have had to learn that it is easier and healthier to be patient than it is to be worried and aggravated.

3. I have learned that I am a stronger person having had to deal with the ups and downs of this illness.

4. I have learned the meaning of true love and being in love through the selfless acts of my Big Handsome. He has shown me what “in sickness and in health” really means.

5. I have learned to cherish the little things. Sometimes the little things are all I get these days and I have to cling to them.

6. I have a renewed relationship with my Savior. I shudder to think where that relationship would be had I not been diagnosed.

7. I have learned the need to rely on Him daily and am better for it. He will never leave me nor forsake me.

8. I have learned that it is important to be one’s own advocate. No one is going to do the work for me.

9. I have learned that while I can’t control my physical situation, I can control the way that I react and respond to my illness.

10. I have learned that I have the ability to choose happiness.

Bonus: I have learned that though sometimes I might be helpless, I am NEVER hopeless J