Saturday, August 9, 2014

Small Catch Up

Ok...So it's been a while, a LONG while...Life has a way of getting a hold on you, and sometimes you just have to ride the wave. Here are some of the things I've been up to; some happy, some sad, some frustrating:

~  My dad was able to visit us over Christmas. We had a great time down at "Big Handsome's Hideaway" in Key Largo, until the next event happened...

~  My brother passed away on December 29, 2013 suddenly. It was a complete shock to the entire family and "sad" just doesn't do my feelings justice. He lived on the other side of the country and we didn't see each other much at all, in fact the last time I had seen him was the year before when our beloved mother passed away. I wouldn't go to the funeral; I just wasn't ready to say goodbye. I am still not ready.

~  In January, I began teaching my Art Appreciation class that I taught to high school homeschoolers at our Co-op. It was fun and interesting. I'd never taught Art, nor had I ever taught high schoolers.

~  It was Beauty Queen's senior year of high school, so we were quite busy getting everything together, taking SAT, ACT, ordering diploma (which I still haven't done yet), getting senior pictures taken, getting ready for Senior Prom, getting ready for Graduation, and on, and on, and on.

~  Spending weekends at Big Handsome's Hideaway. Big Handsome closing in part of our downstairs breezeway to make a lovely outdoor patio. We are still working on that.

~  Healthwise, I've been doing ok. Since teaching my Art Appreciation class, I've been bitten by the "Art Bug". I've been busy watching all sorts of YouTube videos, making my own art journals, junk journals, painted papers, and generally just experimenting. I try to do art daily. It takes up a lot of my time, but it is something I really enjoy doing and there is something so therapeutic in creating something daily. I've also joined a FB group that is all about art journaling. I absolutely love it and all the talented people that are on there. I get daily inspiration and support from them.

~  I've also tried to keep in touch with my illness sites: Coping with Chronic Illness and POTSY Paradise. The admin is such a lovely lady with such a tender heart and a real gift for support and encouragement. I truly cherish the friendship that we have cultivated over the last year +.

~  Big Handsome has had his own health issues as of late. He began last summer with headaches, pressure, vertigo, dizziness, et al. At first he went to and ENT because we thought it might be sinus related. Well...many appointments, tests, medications, procedures later we found that nothing was helping. He finally went to a Neuro and found through an MRI that he has herniated disks and a host of other issues in his C-Spine area. Two choices are: surgery or pain management. Haven't really done anything about it all as of yet. Plus he spent five days in the hospital recently with another bout of pancreatitis.

~  School year is starting up again. I've now got just my teenage Sonshine to school this year. He's also beginning his college career and getting him registered was a nightmare. I still haven't enrolled him in his Virtual School classes, and I don't even know if I have all of his books yet. Summer has gone by way too fast.

~  I will be teaching again at the Co-op in January and I haven't even begun to plan for it. Usually I'm all prepared, get all my planning done over the summer, but that hasn't happened this year. It's a Creative Writing class. I shall be teaching the high schoolers again. We are going to create Autobiographies. Hopefully I'll get the darned class planned before it actually starts.

I'm sure there is a bunch I'm missing, suffice it to say, I've been busy. Such is life though, eh? I guess I should be thankful that I can say that I've been busy. I'm totally thankful that I haven't had to spend nearly the amount of time in bed as I used to.

Sorry I haven't been on here to update. I'm going to try to post more often. I've got to come up with some Top Ten Tuesday lists as well. Hopefully, it won't be so long before my next post.

We might feel helpless at times, but we are never hopeless! 

One of my Art Journal pages

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