Saturday, July 13, 2013

Warning...Pity Party

Okay, am I the only person on this earth that absolutely abhors summertime? I don’t mean the heat either. I mean the endless days with nothing to do. Of course there are a zillion things I could be doing, but what’s the point really? I’m fairly housebound and cleaning something really isn’t on the top of my priority list at this moment in time. I’m lucky to shower every day; that can be considered cleaning…right?? I feel like a prisoner in my own home!

During the school year, since I home school my two teens, there is always plenty to do. Lesson plans, helping with schoolwork, keeping the kids in line, record keeping and such continue to keep the kids and I quite busy. Albeit, they can’t even really participate in outside activities as I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to drive them to and from.

Plus this year I have committed to teaching in two home school co-ops (I know, I must’ve been on too much medication at the time!) I will be teaching Art Appreciation to high school homeschoolers in the spring, but I need to begin preparing now; I just wish I had the motivation. These classes are to be counted for .5 credits for high school graduation (no pressure). The thing is, is that I create these classes from scratch. I can’t even count all the hours I put into the planning. I also committed to teaching Chemistry to high school homeschoolers. The only good part about this one is that there are five other moms involved and we only really have to teach 4 chapters a piece.

Anyhoo, back to summertime, and well, life itself. I just feel so guilty when summertime comes around, since I don’t drive and can’t be one of those mothers that take their children here and there and everywhere during the summer break. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a firm believer that children don’t need to be entertained every second of every day, but when I have a teen son who plays video games for so many hours on end that I worry he’s going to get a blood clot, something’s gotta give. I just don’t know what or how to go about it.

Is it so totally sad that my dreams consist of my “old life”? Where I was one of those annoying loving moms that took their kids to museums, the theatre, movies, aquatic center, bird sanctuaries, the zoo, to play dates, etc. These days, my kids wake when they want, just because I don’t have the energy to go in and wake them. What for anyway? Am I going to wake them up so they can do nothing all day??? It’s such a struggle every morning to get my own lazy ass out of bed and for what, because the dishes need to be done, or laundry has to be thrown in? I used to be one of those moms that got up early, had my coffee and actually cooked a well balanced meal for breakfast before we set off on some new adventure. Now, I feel like a heap of useless skin. No direction, no motivation, no care, nothing, just nothing.

Obviously, I’m one of those people that can’t see the forest for the trees. All I see is one big ass tree that I can’t seem to get around. Now I’m thinking of that silly child’s song I used to sing to my children about the bear in the forest…can’t go under it, can’t go around it, guess I’ll have to go over it, or however it goes. Well, it seems as though I’ve been climbing and climbing and climbing and just can’t seem to get over it. I’m not one of those people that think that if it doesn’t kill you, it only makes you stronger. If that were the case, I could probably win the World’s Strongest Woman award many times over, and if Kelly Clarkson were in my living room, I think I’d have to punch her in the throat. As far as spoons go, I have none; I seem to have lost every friggin’ spoon I ever had. I wish I knew where to go to get some more.

And people around me just DON’T GET IT!!! I feel like complete caca when I see people on FB, “friends” of mine are getting together for a day at the beach, or going here or there. Do I get an invite? Hell no, why, you ask? Probably because they know that I’ll probably say no anyway, because I don’t drive that much. It sure would be kinda nice for one of these “friends” to give a call and say, “Hey, we’re going to so and so and we’d love for you to come, although if you’re not feeling up to it, I can always take your kids, I’m sure they’d love to go.” That would be an absolute Godsend. Is that terribly selfish of me??? I’d like to think that if I had a friend that was homebound with two antsy kids that would love to see the outside world every once in a while that I would so be willing to pick those kids up so that they wouldn’t feel so isolated, but maybe that’s just me.

I seriously want off this ride!

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