Wednesday, June 5, 2013

When It Rains, It Pours

These last four years have been the most trying years of my life. I really don’t know what I would’ve done if it wasn’t for my faith and my Big Handsome. Lately though, it seems as though we are all just falling apart by the seams health wise.

When it rains, it pours.
(Google Images)

When I think of that saying, my mind conjures up images of the air conditioner busting right in the middle of summer, the power going off while I’m on vacation, only to return home to a fridge/freezer full of spoiled food, or even the dryer breaking down and having to hang my skivvies out to dry for all the neighborhood to see. It’s pretty sad when one wishes these types of problems would happen instead of having to deal with physical health issues.

A few weeks ago, Big Handsome and I took our daughter for her regular cardiology checkup. She is now 16 and we’ve been doing these checkups regularly since she was 3. The checkups are usually every other year, but since I’ve been sick, she hasn’t been in a few years. She was born with a heart murmur. They told me it should close up by the time she was three. Well, that didn’t happen, so she still has the VSD and now on top of that, has a PFO that the dr. noticed when she was 5 or so.

During this last visit though (we were at the office 5 hours, didn’t get home until 10:30pm) the dr. noticed something on the sonogram that concerned her. Honestly, after hearing the words “this could be serious” my mind went blank. Having to stand by your daughter as she attempts to hold back tears of fear (with a heart rate of 101 lying down) is absolutely heartbreaking. The dr. did say that in her experience, it’s probably my daughter’s VSD that is causing the problem. The dr. took my daughter’s case to a cardio conference at the Children’s Hospital and they determined that she needs an MRI and another sonogram; I’m guessing it will be more in depth.

My daughter is now on a 30 day heart monitor, thankfully, no events to date. The stupid electrodes are giving her a terrible rash and we’re having a hard time finding a non-irritated patch of skin in which to stick them. Just this morning, we received pediatric electrodes in the hope that they will be less irritating. Good news is, she hasn’t had any events, and has been feeling fairly well. YAY!

Then…this past weekend, Big Handsome told me he wasn’t feeling well. Couldn’t really describe it (boy, don’t I know how that feels) just said that he felt funky. It took him a good long while before he got up the energy to workout. Big Handsome works out regularly, although that doesn’t mean that he is in tip-top shape health wise. He drinks, he smokes, he has a stressful job, and he has to deal with me (quite possibly the most stressful) and now is dealing with worrying about our dear daughter’s health as well as worrying about one of his best friends/coworker having cancer again and having to go through chemo, among many other things, I’m sure, that he doesn’t even tell me about. How much can one person take?? He ended up taking his blood pressure and it was in the high140’s/high 80’s-90’s. His bp usually runs lower than the normal 120/80 and his hr is always rather low. We were just at our GP recently for a physical and his bp was a bit elevated at 138/high 80’s. He found that odd, but nothing was mentioned during the exam. So now, we are left wondering. He is generally of the mindset, “if you ignore it long enough, it will go away”; I advised him to please not wait on this. We had blood work done just a few days ago and are waiting on the results. Hopefully, he just has some sort of benign virus or infection or something. This has us both worried though. I spoke with him this morning and he says he’s still feeling funky. He still can’t really put his finger on it; he just says that he doesn’t feel right. He might end up going to Urgent Care or something as attempting to make an appointment with the GP quickly is rather pointless.

I really just want to get off this ride. I would gladly take a broken appliance, a flat tire, even my skivvies dangling in the wind for all to see (all occurring on the same day even), but I just don’t think I can handle any more health issues.

I will keep on keeping on, and even though I may feel helpless at times, I am never hopeless.

“Hope is the power of being cheerful in circumstances we know to be desperate.” ~G.K. Chesterton

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