Saturday, March 30, 2013

Gettin' Your Craft On

So, I’ve been reading a bunch on the forums and one of the threads was about creative outlets and coping. There were so many good ideas on there. Much of the time, many of us are housebound or mostly housebound and sometimes even bed bound, so it’s really helpful to find new and interesting ideas for things to do instead of the same ol’ same ol’, like surfing the web, researching our weird symptoms, and social networking.
Some people enjoy crocheting and knitting, something I’ve always wanted to learn. Some enjoy reading which I do a lot of. Some enjoy painting, art journaling and getting their craft on.

I like to scrapbook when I’m up to it and have the time. Sometimes my scrapbooks don’t even have any pictures. The following scrapbook is one I started on a while ago (haven’t finished yet) and is an inspirational scrapbook. I found all sorts of inspirational sayings and Bible verses that speak to me on the net. I placed them decoratively into a spiral book that I am going to fix up so that it can stand on a shelf and I can flip the pages daily. Here is a sample of what I’ve been working on:



Hope each and every one of us can find our creative sides and get our own craft on!!
We might seem helpless at times, but we are never hopeless!!

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